Project 4

Eddie + Alex = Make A Wish

Ghosted - Film name
Running on a street with a tilt - Poster Trope
Thriller - Genre

A)    Click for Decision Log

B) Schedule until deadline

C) Movie Posters of person on street with tilt

Posters we like:

Posters we don't like:

D) Guardians of the Galaxy Poster Recreation

 E) Poster Design


Colour Scheme

F) Feedback from peers

Have less negative space.
Too bland

G) Photos Taken

H) Final Poster

I) Feedback

Liked the red/black colour scheme.
The double exposure of the title allows it to stand out.
Bitcoin logo seems strangely positioned.

K) Review

Over the course or project four, we were put in pairs and tasked with making a movie poster using a title, trope and which was selected for us using spinning wheels.

We spent time researching different elements of movie posters, for example we researched what common parts of them were by looking at different posters as well as watching videos on them. Out of both of the research methods, physically looking at other movie posters was the best method of research.

Our final poster can be seen above. I believe that the poster is made to stand out by the double exposure seen within the text, showing a fogged over landscape. The large faded bitcoin logo also helps to make the poster stand out.

If I had more time on the poster, an elements which I would have liked to have improved on would have been the colour levels of the main backdrop/setting. I believe if the sky had a darker, gloomier look it could have made it fit to the thriller genre even better.

If I were to do this project again we would change the workflow by ensuring that we are doing everything in the most practical, orderly way. This is because we were doing some sections of the task before others, leading to confusion.

I used Adobe Photoshop in order to create this poster, this was a challenge to me because Photoshop was one of my weaker software, however with the help from peers and google I managed to get the poster created. However, the skills were still not perfect so in order to improve my skills in Photoshop even more, I could have practised blending in the software more.


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