Project 3

Catch Me:

  • In this video I used royalty free music.

Consider the requirements of the project, were they clear?

Yes, they were all laid out for us on the blog and were very clear for us to understand. 

Did you hit the deadline?


Why not?

We got disrupted in our filming as I unknowingly knew it was year two lunch when we needed a corridor shoot. This caused us to only film one scene in the time we allocated to record three scenes causing us to have to record in time we originally allocated for editing. This caused us to have to try and edit in a amount of time that was too short and we did not make it.

Did you work outside lessons at all? (all A)

Yes, I completed the shot list and the photo storyboard outside of lesson to ensure that we were on time to record to try and reach the deadline.

What process did you go through to make the film (B)

We did pre-production documents and work, followed by blocking then filming, a rough edit. We then did a reshoot and a final edit.

Which part has the best lighting, sound, acting? (C)

Lighting - Scene 1
Sound -  Scene 4
Editing - Scene 1
Acting - Scene 5

Which part would you re-shoot? (D)

We need to reshoot both the beginning and endings of our film, this will allow them to make more sense because currently they do not make sense. 

What would you do differently next time (E)

Next time, I would ensure that there is less irrelevant shots to the story causing people to get confused on what is actually going on.

What five edits do you need to do next? (F)

I would add more audio, Cut unnecessary shots, Add more music, Include more L and J shots to help ease some transitions.

What emotion are you trying to convey? (G)

We are trying to convey panic - which is seen when the guys are seen running away and they are filled with pure panic to try and get away. There is also a sense of mischief brought about when they are trying to steal the USB Stick.

Find five sounds that would help (H)

Running sound, More footsteps, Keyboard Sound, Background Music and a better atmos track inside.

Schedule your week of editing and re-shoots (I)

We will reshoot, the ending and start of the 5th of December. We will spend the rest of our lessons editing.

Practical - get to final edit by the deadline (J)

Yes, I believe this project was practical and we were able to complete this by the deadline.


What would you do differently next time?

Next time, I would ensure all sound effects were added.

What worked well?

Variety of shots

What could you have done to heighten the conflict/drama?

Faster Cuts between more shots

Consider the ending - what would make it have a satisfying ending?

If you understood where the guard/students went.

Which class one did you like the most and why?

I liked Josh's group with the large variety of shots, cuts and the use of the car.


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